Wednesday, December 19, 2007

B-D Review: BC Says 'Sweeney Todd' Slices and Dices

B-D Review: BC Says 'Sweeney Todd' Slices and Dices - I just got back from seeing DreamWorks' Sweeney Todd and I wasn't a fan... I thought the film could have done without the music, but what do I know? Either way, courtesy of BC comes our first official review and it's pretty glowing. "While it wonÂ't be everyoneÂ's cup of tea, itÂ's certainly a quality genre offering nonetheless, and much better than I expected. I canÂ't really see the Â"musical horrorÂ" genre taking off whether this does well or not, but I recommend you see it just in case." Click the title above for the full review and watch for a second opinion later this week. Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd hits theaters this Friday.

More: continued here

Technology Update: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition (Video Game)

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